Last weekend an unusual event occurred during the birthday of Sasha, the youngest son of Shakira and Piqué. A Ferrari was present causing a stir for the nod to the recent song…
Tag: house
A Ferrari parked in front of Shakira’s house during her son’s birthday and Piqué was also present (+Video)
Controversies continue after the separation of Gerard Piqué Y Shakira. The former couple met again on the occasion of the birthday of Sasha, his youngest son. Rumors surrounded the celebration. The celebration…
Marcianeke presents the luxury cars that he has in his house in Curacaví: “Here are the ships”
Image courtesy of Page 7 – Marcianeke presents its luxury cars in Curacaví Chilean singer Matías Muñoz, better known as marcianeke, has been the most recent protagonist of the new program by…
See This Tesla Model 3 Towing a 15,000 Pound House
The Tesla Model 3 boasts a towing capacity of 2,200 pounds, so towing an average size camper isn’t a big deal. What should not be able towing is a 15,000 pound modular…
Mexico: Truck crashes into a house and injures girls who were watching television in Nuevo León
Three minors were injured and were referred to the Metropolitan Hospital, after a truck collided with the front of his house, going through the walls in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon. According to excelsior,…