Last weekend an unusual event occurred during the birthday of Sasha, the youngest son of Shakira and Piqué. A Ferrari was present causing a stir for the nod to the recent song…
Tag: Shakiras
Police officers of Chile issue traffic fines with Shakira’s song “Que te salpique una multa” (+Video)
Image courtesy of T13 – Carabineros issue fines with Shakira’s song Chilean police impose traffic fines with the controversial shakira song that rocked the summer The well-known Music Sessions #53 that the…
A Ferrari parked in front of Shakira’s house during her son’s birthday and Piqué was also present (+Video)
Controversies continue after the separation of Gerard Piqué Y Shakira. The former couple met again on the occasion of the birthday of Sasha, his youngest son. Rumors surrounded the celebration. The celebration…
“Clearly, Ferrari and Twingo” Colombian journalist uses Shakira’s controversy to say that there is no Nariño gasoline (+Video)
Journalist Juan Diego Alvira toured the gas stations in the city of Pasto, capital of Nariño, to Check the fuel shortage situation product of the closure of the via panamericana by landslides….
Renault dealer takes advantage of Shakira’s song to promote the Twingo (+Video)
Renault uses Shakira to promote Twingo Only if you live under the stones you will not have found out about the topic of the moment: Sharika’s new song with Bizarrap, which has…