Toyota Mirai is the first hydrogen battery car approved to circulate in Chile: The first in South America

They present in Chile the first approved hydrogen vehiclebeing the first of its kind in all of South America.

First hydrogen vehicle approved in Chile

The Government together with brand executives Toyota presented the first hydrogen cell vehicle authorized to circulate in Chile.

See also: BMW would produce hydrogen cars from 2025 thanks to the help of Toyota

It is the first of its type approved in South America. It has a range of 650 km and its battery has a useful life of more than 10 years, completing a charge in 15 minutes.

The government program aims for the country to be carbon neutral by 2050. The minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Juan Carlos Muñoz together with the minister of Energy, Diego Pardow, the minister spokesperson for Government, Camila Vallejo and the commercial director of Toyota Chile, Ignacio Funesnotified the announcement of the homologation of the first hydrogen fuel cell propulsion vehicle. Toyota made in the first driver of a car of this type in Latin America.

Mirai is not for sale in Chile

At the end of October of this year, the company brought to Chile three units called Mirai to start the approval process. These entered the Vehicle Control and Certification Center (3CV). After the inspection process, the model obtained official approval, being the first in South America.

the minister Juan Carlos Munoz indicated that “It is a step so that in 2050 our country is carbon neutral. In this carbon neutrality process, 25% of the emissions have to do precisely with the transport system”.

“The Toyota Mirai is the first vehicle that works with a hydrogen battery, which has been approved and has permission to circulate in the country,” added the Secretary of State.

iIndicating that “This is a vehicle that is not yet for sale in the country. Today this vehicle is for sale in other countries, in the United States, Norway, Spain and Germany. There it costs, I understand, close to 65 thousand dollars (approximately 55 million pesos)”.

the minister diego brownsaid that the Government advances “decidedly in the green hydrogen industry, to meet our environmental sustainability commitments; also to bring concrete improvements for Chilean men and women”.

Technical data of the approved model

The model Mirai It has an initial autonomy of 400 kilometers, double that of a conventional electric model.

The commercial director of Toyota Chile, Ignacio Funes, indicated that at operate with a hydrogen cell system, its charge is not executed with a traditional electrical connection, Needs a chemical reaction between the hydrogen stored in the tank and the oxygen in the air.

The youoyota Mirai has three high-pressure hydrogen tanks, placed in a “T” shape.

In 5 minutes, it allows charging 142 liters of hydrogen (or 5.6 kilograms at 700 bars), in its conventional version.

It should be noted that, for the first approved model, the authorized pressure will be 150 bars. The second authorization for 700 bars will be in 2024.

“We know of the potential of green hydrogen in Chile. A representation of this is the Mirai import and homologation. The effort towards carbon neutrality is a shared effort between the public world and the private world.” exposed Funes.

Writing by Gossipvehículos/Source:

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