Alert of false parking tickets in Madrid: The keys to detect them

Alert of false parking tickets in Madrid: The keys to detect them


In Madrid several fake parking ticketsraising an alert about it.

How to differentiate fake parking tickets?

The City of Madrid alerted citizens through their social networks about the case of some fake parking tickets that several drivers in the capital have seen on the windshield of their cars. There are already more than 80 of these sanctions in the Carabanchel district.

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Officials carry out the corresponding procedures to find those guilty of the illegal act.

Some of the false fines bear the logo of the City Council in the heading, an infraction, a reported act, a precept violated, the amount of the sanction, the amount with the reduction for prompt payment, a reference and a QR code.

As a rare thing, the code refers to the City Council penalty payment website “without the receiver being able to make the payment”.

These fines are photocopies where it reads “park on or next to a shelter, island, protection median or traffic channeling elements”supposedly alluding to Precept 62 of the regulations.

The penalty is 100 euros and with “50% reduction” it stays at 50 euros. Below you see the QR code.

The first thing that reveals a fine of this type is that no document issued by the Municipal Police, Mobility Agents or controllers of the Regulated Parking Service (SER) incorporates QR codes.

Along with other details that indicate that they are false:

  • File number that identifies the sanction, year (2022 in this case) and reference
  • Data of the driver, the car (registration, make and model) and the owner, if applicable
  • Place of the offence, date and time
  • Infringed precept, detailing which article of the General Traffic Regulations the reported car has been skipped and the corresponding loss of points
  • If it is a speeding ticket, the complaint must include the photo of the sanctioned car taken by the radar

The City of Madrid warned citizens about it and that they should take all such fines to the authorities.

Remembering that, “Any notification of a sanction imposed by agents of the authority is always sent by certified mail or by the road electronic address”

On the other hand, you should be aware of emails that impersonate the DGT, indicating that there is a pending fine. In this type of email, a link is attached to access the Electronic Headquarters of the DGTwhich when clicked downloads malware to the device.

The emails that include a false complaint show the identification number, the amount of the sanction and always a link to download it.

You can go to DGT citizen service060, for any questions you may have.

Regarding the false complaints in Madrid, the Municipal Police has already announced the start of the proceedings against the crime of documentary falsification and fraud.

Writing by GossipvehĂ­culos/Source:

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